Monday, December 12, 2011

Chasing dolphins (August)

Another day on the water and some decent winds to pull us along. The reefing system works well and I only have to trim some of the excess rope to clean things up. The winds were not strong, just gusty and I'm more comfortable with the sails reefed with my wife aboard so when the gusts come there are no surprises.
 This was also the time for the annual recreational food fishery and there were plenty of boats in the bay chasing the few cod.
 Along the way however we spied a pod of what I assumed were dolphins on their way in the bay. I was at the tiller spotting and my wife shot the video of them passing by.
A fine day on the water and making up for the lost month of July.


  1. Great photos Perry. Didn't rain every day by the looks. The cabin looks super!

  2. Thanks Randy, Yes we did get a few nice days and we made the most of them. I had a look at your blog and fine ship... Fantastic!
