Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Building jig: Part 1

No I didn't do a dance. Though when done I felt like doing one.
This morning bright and early, I started cutting the lumber for the building jig. By the way, the lumber I used is a mere excuse for whats called lumber. It's easier to find a honest politician than to Find a straight 2x4 in this province. Pitiful. But I made do what I did find.
I ran a chalk line on the floor and lined the two boxes that would make the main frame of the jig. the two running rails were aligned and screwed together before clamping to the jig.

Leveling the first side wasn't any problem, but the opposite side was a little trickier. To get it level across and down the length took a little work with the clamps, a nudge here, a thump there.But in the end it came together pretty good. To make sure none of my clumsiness moved the jig out of place, I epoxied the legs to the floor with some wooden blocks.
The lifts that the hull floor will be screwed to, will be placed on Friday, Apparently It's NEWYEARS DAY tomorrow... How did that sneak up on me.

p.s. To my brother Stephen, yes it's an ugly jig, nothing like the jigs Dad used for making his speed boats. It looks more like i'm about to start a warf or deck in my basement.

I moved the canoe out of the workshop and now the workshop has spread to the main part of the basement. I need the room obviously.

Time: 4 hrs


  1. Hey Perry,

    Looks like it is coming along nicely. Love the mast shots. Keep her going buddy. Hoping to go for a sail in the summer!!

    Bilco out

  2. Thanks Bill. More pictures have to be added of the progress from the past several days. Now that I actually see the hull, I'm more keen on getting her finished and in the water.
